12 avril

Thank you for all of the well wishes on our baby girl. Yes, she has name now: Angélique Aubin

A few information items:
1. Handball – Good luck to the Grade 4 and 5 Handball teams tomorrow in their tournament. They have been working hard and improving all the time. Way to go!

2. Verification Sheets/Parent Portal – A message went home with a Contact Verification Form. Please review the information and make any corrections.
Also, be sure to check off the box that is for Parent Portal Access. In the future you will be able to access information such as Report Cards and Foundation Skill Assessment results online.

3. Please send your children to school prepared for the weather. Weather is unpredictable right now so children should be prepared for sun, rain, sleet, snow, wind…etc. Umbrellas are handy – I had a group of about 10 under mine today

I wish everyone a nice long Easter weekend.

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